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About Travabled – World Without Barriers is an online community and travel adviser for people with disabilities and their companions. offers you trusted advice from firsthand travelers that have been on the spot and gathered information, offering variety of travel choices, planning features and links to booking tools. You can search for accessible locations, interact with other users, add your recommendations, comments, photos, ratings and thereby evaluate the level of accessibility or gather information and multimedia for the desired destination. You can also mark the locations you have visited with your wheelchair, scooter or power wheelchair and participate in creating a community of barrier-free locations across the globe.

For better browsing experience, the accessible locations are divided in three categories as follows: “Hotels”, “Restaurants” and “Things to do”. They include subcategories: Food & Drinks, Shop & Leisure, Attractions, Facilities, Transport. Thus, disabled travelers jointly create an online wheelchair-friendly database within our global community without barriers.

All accessible locations with accompanied comments, recommendations, photos and ratings are visible on our interactive map and can be accessed easily by our search engine, so users can have the complete overview and plan their trip more efficiently, or find the desired information right on the spot by using TravAbled mobile app. and the Travabled logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Travabled j.d.o.o. in the Republic of Croatia, U.S. and other countries. Other logos or products and company names mentioned herein may be the property of their respective owners.

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